How To Attract More Abundance Into Your Life

Money makes the world go round, right? With money such a central focus in our culture, it’s no surprise that when you feel like you don’t have enough of it, it can impact every area of your life…

You may feel resentment toward your boss for not paying you what you deserve…

Your relationship could become strained as you spend so much time worrying about how to put food on the table…

Your friendships might suffer as you struggle to find the spare money to join them on an evening out…

And all that worry can lead to disturbed sleep, junk food cravings, and a lot of stress.

In short, money problems permeate our health, wellbeing, careers, and relationships.

Worrying about money unites so many of us, with 25% of Americans saying they worry about money “all the time” and nearly 40% say they couldn’t last a month on savings.

The good news is, you don’t have to spend the rest of your life just struggling to get by. There are things you can start doing right now to maximize your capacity for wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

So, if money worries are keeping you up at night, we’ve pulled together our top tips for attracting more abundance and saying goodbye to your financial woes.

Cultivate a money mindset

Mindset is everything. Athletes at the top of their game report the right mindset as integral to their success. And it’s the same when it comes to attracting abundance and generating wealth.

To start cultivating your money mindset, identify what you currently believe about money. For example, do you feel guilty when you do have it, or do you believe you’ve never had it, so you never will?

It sounds simple, but your own limiting beliefs around money are blocking you from having more. You weren’t born with these beliefs. You were born believing in limitless opportunities — and that includes wealth. What separates the wealthy is their money mindset. They believe they can, will, and deserve to have money and prosperity.

Once you’ve identified your money beliefs, find positive affirmations that directly challenge them. Here are some to get you started:

I am worthy of making more money.
I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
I embrace new avenues of income.
I am a capable person that can tackle all money obstacles.
More money in my bank account doesn’t make me a bad person.

You can find more powerful abundance affirmations at Prolific Living and Clever Girl Finance.

Repeat your chosen affirmations every day — first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and any time you remember throughout the day. The more you repeat them, the more you start to believe them. Your outlook becomes positive, opening yourself up to the abundance you desire.

Plan how you will use your wealth

If you were to become a millionaire tomorrow, how would you spend your money? We’re not talking about fancy cars and exotic holidays. Who would you help with your wealth?

When you live in abundance, you have more than enough of everything, which means you can use all of that extra money to help others. Write down everyone you would help, from your relatives to charities you support.

Be specific — say how you would help each person or organization. For example, “I will pay for my kids’ college tuition,” “I will buy my parents the house of their dreams.”

The more people you can help with your wealth, the more motivated you will be to go out and make it happen.

Connect with your purpose

Let’s cut to it — do you like your job? Is it something that deeply fulfills you, that you know you are good at and enjoy doing? We all have parts of our jobs we dislike, but if you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t align with your values, you’ll never get rich doing it.

It’s super hard to excel in a career that doesn’t bring you meaning or draw on your natural talents. So, how do you find out what your perfect career is?

First, you need to get clear on your core values — you can find out how to do that in our guide.
Next, think about what you’re good at and enjoy doing, from knitting and baking to event planning and problem-solving — we all have something that sets our soul on fire.

If you love painting, we’re not telling you to quit tomorrow and pursue a career as an artist, but think of ways you can capitalize on your talents. Start a side hustle. Love crafts? Perhaps you could sell some of your creations online. Are you a social media pro? Try reaching out to local businesses that need marketing support.

Not only will you have some extra cash coming in, but you never know where it may lead. One day you really could quit your day job and follow your passion full time!

The takeaway

The key point to remember is that anything is possible. You weren’t destined to be without money or work in a dead-end job. Your education or lack of connections don’t limit your potential. Keep working on that money mindset, and you’ll soon see your perspective begin to shift to believe you really do deserve abundance.

For more help creating your money mindset, listen to success coach Alexis Artin’s powerful free Prosperity Meditation.

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